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Posts from the ‘Meal of the week’ Category

Bife de lomo Uruguayo (pronounce ‘uruguascho’

Last night i had a fantastic steak in Punta del Este. It was really a feast, a nice bife de lomo (saignant). Even more due to the fact that i was having a veggie period on the estancia in the Sierras de Rocha 🙂

Churrasco mit Götti

mjaaammmmm mjammmm



bife de lomo reloaded…

i just can’t get enough…… so more so preparing more steaks in the dreadful hostel kitchen




steak argentino…….

habe lange darauf warten müssen… und leider pre-cut in 4 stücke, aber die Schlange war zu lange um auf nicht abgepacktes Fleisch zu warten. Als Ferienkind hat man ja nicht ewig Zeit auf ein Stück Fleisch zu warten….. hoffe werde noch ein besseres Pic posten können… 😉  ein besonderes Augenmerk bitte auch auf das hübsche Weinglas Marke ‘Hostal Coloria’….

Llama con papas y mas…

IMG_4759the typical meal in the altiplano. well after having had this for lunch – you didn’t need to eat for a while……  though really tasty!

Cochinita pipil

Eine typische Yucatecan Spezialität. pipil = unter der Erde gekocht. Obwohl wie das heutzutage funktioniert ist mir ein Rätsel. Denn wenn die das alles so in den Restaurants kochen würde, sähe man glaub ich einen riesigen Acker hinter jedem Haus. Das Gericht ist langsam gegartes ergo super zartes Schweinefleisch, das komplett zerfällt, so dass man eigentlich kein Messer braucht um es zu essen. Es wird serviert mit Tortillas, Bohnensauce, konfierten Zwiebeln und Peperonis. Zum Essen macht man davon Päckli ähnlich wie wir zu Hause Fajitas essen. Ein Leckerbissen der Sonderklasse… obwohl es nicht danach aussieht. Definitiv a must try in Yucatan, weshalb dieses Gericht es auch ohne grössere Umschweife zum Meal of the week schafft. Muchas gracias Leo!

Ginger shot for breaky

one thing i can tell you – after a ginger shot you are definitely awake and your throat cured from a night in an air-conditioned room!



Teppanyaki in Gion

After all the traditional Japanese dinners – we admit that we went for Indian dinner one night. Interestingly, we just fancied some simple food as the Japanese kitchen is so overwhelming. Well was it a good decision – i cannot say. For sure all the Japanese was better than that.

Thus 2nd night in Kyoto back to square one…  as we were kind of helpless with google maps in Kyoto, we went to the concierge to ask for help. She was totally excited and took all the time in the world to recommend us a restaurant, called them to reserve a table, wrote us a reservation slip, then drew a map with explanation for the taxi driver… ha ha it took ages. in fact we wanted to ask her something else too.. but then thought this would take too long as other people were queueing behind us ha ha.

Thus taxi got us swiftly to Itoh Dining which is one of Nobu Matsuhisha’s restaurants in Gion. What a treat this place was – both for the eyes and the taste! We sat in front of the chef who was cooking for us the dinner. First we got sashimi, then a soup followed by some kind of salmon carpaccio, then fish with veggies from the hot plate and as main course Japanese beef cooked to perfection right in front of us. Ah yes and for desert some freshly baked chocolate cake with ice cream and panna cotta… wow wow wow  hmmmm in Japan i am really getting into troubles with the meal of the week as basically almost every meal could get nominated for it!


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Beijing Duck

Op de laatste avond in Beijing gingen we de echte Beijing roasted duck eten. Hij woord in het geheel aan tafel geserveert en pas dan gesneden.
Het smaakte heerlijk!!

some kind of dumplings….

managed to order by pointing and it tasted really good 🙂