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Posts from the ‘Series’ Category

Chevy ‘NON’-spark !

well i was making fun of little Chevy non-spark since i am driving around with it. Unfortunately today was sparky’s revenge. While I enjoyed a fabulous lunch at La Huella (remember in Uruguay dice: La Huescha) it feels to me like the beach version of Chez Vrony in Zermatt Sparky secretly emptied his battery (because i forgot to switch off the light!). So he was finally what i kept calling him ever since: Chevy NON-spark!! Luckily there was a old man organising the parking and he sent a guy to come and ‘bridge’ it within less than 5 minutes. Day saved – zum Glück isch Friitig!!

Bonbon el perro… or simply perros Andinos

I fell absolutely i love with all these lovely dogs across Southamerica……..






altiplano Bolivia


Punta del diablo




Sierra de Rocha


Barra da Lagoa


altiplano Bolivia


….ne me recuerdo..


Punta del diablo


San Pedro de Atacama


Salar de Uyuni

a must have T-Shirt


yes the pic is not really a piece of art.. but selfies remain a difficult task and sometimes they just don’t want to turn out well. Anyway think the t-shirt is absolutely fashionABLE (gäll Karen)!

Bife de lomo Uruguayo (pronounce ‘uruguascho’

Last night i had a fantastic steak in Punta del Este. It was really a feast, a nice bife de lomo (saignant). Even more due to the fact that i was having a veggie period on the estancia in the Sierras de Rocha 🙂

The Knot from Mark Watson

Nearly forgot about that book – was the first one i read. An absolut light reading book, nothing spectacular but simply the story about the life of a wedding photographer. I only bought this because i read before a book of this guy – was kind of disappointed but to unwind my mind after just leaving home for my big trip this was quite perfect.

Der Distelfink von Donna Tartt

Dieses riesige Buch zu killen braucht biss. Zudem ist der Kindle ziemlich gemein und zeigt gnadenlos an wie langsam man vorwärts kommt. Tsssss Seiten über Seiten habe ich gelesen und die Prozentanzeige machte keinen Wank (bin jetzt aber trotzdem schon bei 87%). Keine Ahnung wieviel Seiten die Papierversion hat! Donna Tartt hat für diesen Roman den Pulitzer-Preis Belletristik 2014 gewonnen… obwohl angekündigt für 2008 ist er erst im 2013 erschienen, sollte das nicht einen Abzug geben. Hmm ich weiss jetzt nicht wirklich ob ich dies mein bestes Buch fand aber ja definitiv ein gutes Buch, braucht einfach etwas Biss wegen des Seitenumfangs.

Zur Geschichte: Theo Decker ist dreizehn Jahre alt, als seine Mutter während eines Besuchs in einem New Yorker Museum bei einem Attentat ums Leben kommt. Wie in Trance steckt er als Andenken ihr liebstes Gemälde ein und verlässt unbemerkt das Gebäude, verstrickt sich in Drogengeschichten…


The house of Scorta from Laurent Gaudé

A novel following five generations of the infamous Scorta family living in a village in southern Italy. A wonderful story which makes you instantly feel as if you were sitting on the piazza of the small village in Puglia quietly following the saga of the Scorta family from close up. Wonderful read.. take it with you on a summer holiday.

The truth about the Harry Quebert Affair from Joël Dicker

This book had been recommended to me by a fellow traveller. It has originally been published in French and the writer is from Geneva – vive les suisses! It is a novel about a young writer that is struggling to write his 2nd book after the first being a huge success. Meanwhile the book had been translated into 33 languages being a huge success. A true page turner and here my kindle flipped through the percentage despite being a huge book.

Marching Powder from Rusty Young

A story about a drug trafficker who had been caught and sent to the San Pedro prison in La Paz. Honestly not sure as much of it is true. It is badly written but still an interesting read in my opinion and i only read it after i left La Paz as i was to scared to read it while being there  – don’t ask me why. If you go to Bolivia do read it, if you don’t it is not really worth bothering.

28 Tage lang von David Safier

Ein Roman über das Leben eines Mädchens im Warschauer Ghetto, welcher sich wie Geschichte anfühlt und der Grossmutter des Authors gewidmet ist. So ganz anders als ‘Mieses Karma’ aber schön und direkt geschrieben.